Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in Tamil – Kerala Higher Secondary Education

Question Paper Code: 53/2022/OL
Category Code: 490/2019
Exam: Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in Tamil
Date of Test 27-07-2022
Department Kerala Higher Secondary Education
Alphacode A
Question1:-உைரயா��ய�களா� அ�கமாக ேம�ேகா� கா�ட�ப�ட ச�க இல��ய அக ��
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question2:-ஐ������ கட�� வா���� பாடைல� பா�ய �லவ�
A:-பாரத� பா�ய ெப��ேதவனா�
B:-உ.ேவ. சா�நாைதய�
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question3:-க��ெதாைக� ெச���க� ���த� சா�ேறா� ம����
A:-க�ற��ேதா� ேபா���
B:-க��ண��ேதா� ேபா��� க�
C:-க�ற��ேதா� ஏ��� க�
D:-க�ற��ேதா� வா���� க�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question4:-�றநா���� பாட�� ஒளைவயா�, அ�யமா� ெந�மான��ைய எ�ஙன� ேபா��னா�?
A:-எ�ேத� ெச� த�ச�
B:-எ�ேத� ெச� மறவ�
C:-எ�ேத� ெச� த�ச�
D:-எ�ேத� ெச��� த�ச�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question5:-��ைல���ய ெப��ெபா��� ��ெபா���
(i) வய�� ைவகைற��
(ii) மாேயா� ேமய கா�ைற உலக�
(iii) கா�� மாைல�� ��ைல
(iv) கா��, யாம��
A:-(ii) and (iii)
B:-(i) and (iv)
C:-(ii) and (iv)
D:-(i) and (iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question6:-நால�யா�� க��� �ற��
(i) ம�ம� அ���� ம���
(ii) க�� அழேக அழ�
(iii) ஏமெந� பட�� ஆ�
(iv) எ�ணா� அ��ைடயா�
A:-(iii) and (iv)
B:-(i) and (iv)
C:-(i) and (ii)
D:-(ii) and (iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question7:-ப�ென����கண�� ��க�� ஒ� �ைணைய ம��� ெகா�� பாட�ப�� �� எ�?
A:-களவ� நா�ப�
B:-ஐ��ைண ஐ�ப�
C:-கா� நா�ப�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question8:-�ல�ப�கார��� ம�ைர� கா�ட� – ெதாட�க� காைத எ�?
A:-�ற�ேச� இ��த காைத
B:-ஊ��கா� காைத
C:-அைடகல� காைத
D:-கா�கா� காைத
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question9:-“ப��� ���� பைக�� ���
வ��� வா�� �ர�க!” –
எ�ற வா��� இட� ெப�� ��
B:-�வக ��தாம�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question10:-�வக� யாைர மண�ததா� ‘காம�லக�’ எ�ற ப�ட� ெப�றா�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question11:-க�பராமாயண��� “இல�ைக எ����� படல�” இட� ெப�� கா�ட�
A:-பால கா�ட�
B:-��தர கா�ட�
C:-��த கா�ட�
D:-����தா கா�ட�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question12:-ெப�ய �ராண உ����க��� வழ�க�ப�� ெபய�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question13:-ேத�பாவ��� கா��ய� தைலவ��, ம�ைம���யவ�� யா�?
A:-இேய� ெப�மா�
B:-��த �ைசய�ப�
C:-க�� ம�யா�
D:-ேதவ�த� (வானவ�)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question14:-�றா��ராண��� “அ�மா �ைல���� படல�” இட� ெப�� கா�ட� யா�?
A:-�லாத��� கா�ட�
B:-���வ��� கா�ட�
C:-��ர��� கா�ட�
D:-யா��ைர� படல�
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question15:-ந���கல�பக��� �ற��க�
(i) ��றா� ந��வ�ம� �� பாட�ப�ட�
(ii) ந��வ�ம�� ெகாைட� �ற�� த���ப��, �ர� ேபா�ற�ப��ற�.
(iii) ந��வ�ம� கா��ைய� தைலநகராக� ெகா�� ஆ�டவ�
(iv) ந���கல�பக� ஒ� அக ��
A:-(i), (ii) and (iii)
B:-(iv), (iii) and (i)
C:-(i), (ii) and (iv)
D:-(ii), (iii) and (iv)
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question16:-க��க���பர� எ�தைன தா�ைசகளா� உ�வா�க�ப�ட�
(i) 400
(ii) 599
(iii) 580
(iv) க��தா�ைச
A:-(i) and (ii)
B:-(ii) and (iv)
C:-(iii) and (iv)
D:-(i) and (iv)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question17:-��வ�ைக �ர�டான�ப�க� இட� ெப�� ���ைற எ�?
A:-அ�ப� ேதவார� – 4ஆ� ���ைற
B:-��தர� ேதவார� – 7ஆ� ���ைற
C:-ச�ப�த� ேதவார� – 1ஆ� ���ைற
D:-மா��கவாசக� (��வாசக�) – 8ஆ� ���ைற
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question18:-ஆ�டா� த�ைன ஆய��பா��� ேகா�ைகயாக �ைன��� பா�ய பா��க�� ெதா��� யா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question19:-�ண��� ம�தா� சா�� பைட��க�
(i) �ராமய�க��
(ii) ஆன�த�க���
(iii) ந��ச�ப�க�
(iv) பாவாெல�ைப� ப�க�
A:-(i), (ii) and (iv)
B:-(i), (ii) and (iii)
C:-(ii), (iii) and (iv)
D:-(iv), (iii) and (ii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question20:-தா�மானவ� அவ�க� அர�� கண�கராக யா�ட� ப����தா�
C:-�சயர�நாத ெசா�க��க�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question21:-�லேசகர ஆ�வா� வா��த கால�
A:-எ�டா� ��றா��
B:-ஆறா� ��றா��
C:-ஐ�தா� ��றா��
D:-ஏழா� ��றா��
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question22:-க��ேகா அ��� ர�மா�� சா��ய அகாத� ����ெப�ற க�ைத� ெதா���
A:-ேநய� ���ப�
D:-கைரகேள ந�யாவ��ைல
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question23:-ெபா���க :
(a) பார�யா� (1) கா�
(b) பார�தாச� (2) கா��வா��
(c) ெஜயேமாக� (3) பா�சா� சபத�
(d) நா. ��ச���� (4) அழ�� ����
A:-a-3, b-2, c-1, d-2
B:-a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
C:-a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
D:-a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question24:-இராமாயண �க��கைள அ��பைடயாக� ெகா�� எ�த�ப�ட ��ைம���த�� ��ைம ேநா��� அைம�த ��கைத
B:-சாப �ேமாசன�
D:-வாடா ம��ைக
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question25:-த�� இல��ய� ெச�வ�கைள ேத�� ெதா��� த�� அ�ைன�� அழ�ய ஆபரணமாக வ���� த�தவ�
A:-�.ைவ. தாேமாதர� ��ைள
B:-உ.ேவ. சா�நாைதய�
C:-�னா����தர� ��ைள
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question26:-ஒளைவ�� ��ைம� ேதா�ற���� அவள� உண��க��� ��ய மா�ற�ைத அர�ேக��ய க�ஞ�
D:-ஈேரா� த�ழ�ப�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question27:-அ�. ராமநாத�� பைட��க�
A:-���ம��ைக ம��� ராஜ ராஜ ேசாழ�
B:-அ�ைப ம��� அ�ைவ
C:-ெப��� ெப�ைம ம��� தைல�ைறக�
D:-அக��ைண ம��� கா�
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question28:-ெபா���க :
(a) தைல�ைறக� (1) நா. பா��தசார�
(b) க��� ம�க� (2) அ�ல�
(c) ���ர�பாைவ (3) �ல. ப�மநாப�
(d) ����மல� (4) ராஜ� ���ண�
A:-a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
B:-a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
C:-a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1
D:-a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question29:-ெதா�கா��ய� �ற���பா�ர� பா�யவ�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question30:-தைலைய இ���டமாக� ெகா�� �ற��� எ��� எ�?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question31:-‘உ�தா� அவ�’ – இல�கண� ���� த�க
A:-ெத��ைல �ைன���
D:-���� �ைன���
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question32:-ெபா���க :
(a) அவ�, இவ� (1) ப�வ�தா� வ�ெபய�
(b) ஓ�வா� (2) �ற�தா� வ�ெபய�
(c) க�ய� (3) ெதா�லா� வ�� ெபய�
(d) ேவ�லா� (4) ���� ெபய�
A:-a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
B:-a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3
C:-a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
D:-a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question33:-“�� ெப� சாகா�� அ���� அ�ப�ட�
சால ����� ெப��” – இ�சா�� ����� அ� யா�?
A:-�ேலைட அ�
B:-வ�ச��க��� அ�
C:-���ெமா�த� அ�
D:-த����ேப�ற அ�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question34:-ெபா���க :
(a) கா�கால� (1) மா�, ப���
(b) ��ப��கால� (2) ���ைர, ைவகா�
(c) ��ப��கால� (3) ஆவ�, �ர�டா�
(d) இளேவ��கால� (4) மா�க�, ைத
A:-a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
B:-a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
C:-a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
D:-a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question35:-ெபா���க :
(a) பாவைகக� (1) எ���/அைச/��/தைள/அ�ெதாைட
(b) யா��� உ���க� (2) ேநரைச/�ைரயைச
(c) அைச வைக (3) �ற�/ேந�ைச/இ��ைச/���ய�/பஃெறாைட
(d) ெவ�பா வைக (4) ெவ�பா/ஆ��ய�பா/க��பா/வ���பா
A:-a-4, b-2, c-3, d-1
B:-a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
C:-a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
D:-a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question36:-இல��ய� எ�ப� ச�தாய��� �ல�பா� எ�� ��யவ� யா�?
D:-�.எ�. எ�ய�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question37:-க�ைத�ேலா, கைத�ேலா �ய உண��� ம��ேம ேமேலா�� ����ப� இல��ய�கைள� பைட�க� �டா� எ�� ��யவ� யா�?
C:-�.�. ��ெச�ட�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question38:-க�ைத�ய� ஆ��� கழக� எ�த நா��� ெதாட�க�ப�ட�?
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question39:-ேவ� எ�� ேவ��மானா�� சமரஸ� ேபசலா� இல��ய��� தர��� சமரச� ேப� ��� க�ட��டா� எ�� எ��யவ�?
A:-ெவ�க� �வா�நாத�
C:-த�� �வரா�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question40:-த�� இல��ய வரலா��� �ல ைம�க�க� அ�ல� ��ஞான ச�ப�த�� கால� எ�ற க��ைரைய எ��யவ� யா�?
A:-டா�ட�. ஜா�ச�
B:-ேபரா��ய� ைவயா�� ��ைள
C:-மேனா�ம�ய� ��தர� ��ைள
D:-�.�. நடராச�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question41:-‘அ�ைம’ ஒ� ேப��க�� எ�� வ���தவ� யா�?
A:-கார� மா���
B:-ேராம�� ���ய��
C:-ெட�� ஈ��ட�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question42:-ஏகா�ப��ய� ப�பா�, �ேத�ய� ப�பா� ஆ�ய இர�� ப�பா�� இைட��க�� �ைளவாக� ேதா��ய �றனா�� எ�?
A:-�� ந�ன��வ� �றனா��
B:-�� கால��வ� �றனா��
C:-மா���ய� �றனா��
D:-ச�க�ய� �றனா��
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question43:-நா�மைற க�ற ந��ைச� �லவ�கைள அைழ�� அக��ைண மர�ைன ����ைர��� ச�க இல��ய �� எ�?
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question44:-அக��ைணைய� ‘த��’ எ�ற ெசா�லா� �����ட �லவ� யா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question45:-உலக இல��ய� எ�ற ெதாடைர ஆ����� ெகாண��தவ� யா�?
B:-ஆ�ப�� ெஜரா��
C:-பா�வா� �க�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question46:-நா�� இல��ய�க� ெதா�ைம�ைடய ம�களா��ைய ெவ��ப����ற� எ�� ��யவ� யா�?
B:-��ச�� �ைர�
C:-�ரா��� பா��ேர�
D:-��� சேகாதர�க�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question47:-��க�� �ற�ைப� த��� ேநா�� ம���� ெச�வத�� ம��ேம அ��ய� �ைறகைள� பய�ப��த ேவ��� எ�� அ��த� ெகா��தவ�க� யா�?
B:-�ர�� நா��ன�
C:-ெஜ�ம� நா��ன�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question48:-டா�ட�. �. வரதராசனா� எ�த�படாத �� எ�?
A:-பழ�த�� இல��ய��� இய�ைக
B:-த��� காத�
C:-��ைல� �ைண
D:-�லவ� க���
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question49:-ப�ைண� ேதா����தலா� ‘ப�ண��’ எ�� உைர எ��யவ� யா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question50:-ம�த� ஆைசைய �ைறேவ�வத���ய க�� எ�� �ரா�� எதைன� �������றா�?
A:-நா����ற ஆட�க�
B:-நா����ற� பாட�க�
D:-நா����ற �ைளயா��க�
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question51:-ப�லா��� எ�பத�� ‘பர� ஆ�� ��’ எ�� �ள�க� ெகா��தவ� யா�?
A:-ேதவேநய� பாவாண�
B:-இரா. பால ���ரம�ய�
C:-ேத. ���
D:-எ�. நவரா�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question52:-ெத�னா��கா� அர�ய� வரலா��ைன அ��பைடயாக� ெகா�� உ�வான கைத�பாட� எ�?
A:-கா�சா�� ச�ைட
B:-இர����� ��ைள� ேபா�
C:-ஐவ� ராசா�க� கைத
D:-ேத���ராச� கைத
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question53:-‘ெச�ைன ��ய�’ எ�ற இதைழ� ெதாட��யவ� யா�?
A:-��ச�� ஜா�ச�
B:-��� பா��
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question54:-��ப�க� ப���ைகக�� கா�க��, ைகக�� ஆவா�க� எ�� ��யவ� யா�?
A:-ேஜ�� எ�.��
C:-ெர�கசா� பா��தசார�
D:-எ�.�. காம�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question55:-ப�ச த��ர� கைதக���� ஐேரா��ய கைதக���� உ�ள ஒ��ைமகைள ஆரா��தவ� யா�?
A:-மா�� ��ல�
B:-சர�ச��ர ��ரா
C:-ேஜ�க� ���
D:-�ேயாட� ெப�ேப
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question56:-�ழ�ைதக� ப����� ெச��� ேபா� ப�� ஆ��யரா� ெபய� ைவ��� மர� எ�த நா��� காண�ப���ற�?
A:-�ழ�� ஆ����கா
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question57:-த-ச வாக��, ந-ஞ வாக�� மா�வ�?
A:-நாம� ஒ�யாத�
B:-ப��ன ஒ�யாத�
C:-இத� ஒ�யாத�
D:-அ�ண ஒ�யாத�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question58:-ெபா�ன� எ�ப� எ�வைக� ெபய�?
A:-���� ெபய�
B:-காரண� ெபய�
C:-இய� ெபய�
D:-�ைற� ெபய�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question59:-ெசா�ைட ஒ�க� (clicks) எ�த ெமா��� அ�கமாக� காண�ப��ற�?
A:-ஆ����க ெமா�க��
B:-ஐேரா��ய ெமா�க��
C:-�ன ெமா���
D:-இர�ய ெமா���
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question60:-மா�ேடா ெமா�ைய ஆரா��� க��ைர எ��யவ� யா�?
A:-ேபரா��ய� ��வ�ச�
B:-ேபரா��ய� R.E. ராப���
C:-ேபரா��ய� ��
D:-ேபரா��ய� ���
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question61:-த��� உ�ள ‘ேவ�’ எ�ற ெசா� ‘வா�’ எ�ற வ�வமாக எ�த ெமா��� ��பைட�ற�?
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question62:-ெசா�ைல �க� ��ய த�வ�வ� (minimum free from) எ�� ��யவ� யா�?
C:-A.M. ஆ�ட�
D:-J. லாசர�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question63:-����ளா� ‘�ரா�ட ெமா�க�� இல�கண அைம��’ எ�ற �ைல எ� ெமா��� எ��னா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question64:-க�மல� எ�ற இட��� நட�த ேபா� எ�த இ� அரச�க���ைடேய நைடெப�ற�?
A:-ப�லவ� – சா���ய�
B:-ேசர� – ேசாழ�
C:-ேசர� – பா��ய�
D:-பா��ய� – ேசாழ�
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question65:-க�ண���� ெபா�னாலா�ய �� ெதா��ைல யா� அ���யதாக� ெப�யா�வா� தாலா��� பா��றா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question66:-பா��ய நா�� இளவர�ைய ேசாழ� மண�த ேபா� மணமக�� �தன� ெபா�ேளா� ேசாழ நா���� வ�த �லவ� யா�?
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question67:-‘அ��’ எ��� நாடக�ைத எ��யவ� யா�?
A:-��வநாத �த�யா�
B:-இராம�ச��ர� க�ராய�
C:-அ�ணாசல� க�ராய�
D:-மா����� ��ைள
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question68:-ஆன�தர�க� ��ைள�� நா����ைப ஆதாரமாக� ெகா�� த��� ��ன�க� பைட�தவ� யா�?
B:-நா. பா��தசார�
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question69:-ெம�மய�க�க��� ��ன� ெந�� ��லாக மா�ய� எ�கால� த���?
A:-ேசாழ� கால�த��
B:-ப�லவ�கால� த��
C:-ச�ககால� த��
D:-நாய�க� கால�த��
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question70:-இல��� ெமா��� த�� இல�கண�ைத எ��யவ� யா�?
C:-ேகா�டா ப��சரா
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question71:-Which among the factor needs manipulation so that a traditionally directed assignment becomes a constructivist based lesson?
A:-Student works collaboratively on a project
B:-Teacher directs all instruction and learning
C:-Student develops a project, utilizing past experiences
D:-Teacher facilities the learning
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question72:-Outcome Based Evaluation curriculum approach evaluates
A:-Whether the learning outcomes were achieved
B:-Whether the teacher taught well
C:-Whether the all the assignments were completed by students
D:-Whether the contents were covered
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question73:-Who is known as the Genetic epistemologist?
A:-Jerome Bruner
B:-Jean Piaget
C:-Sigmund Freud
D:-Carl Rogers
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question74:-The teacher asks students to explain their responses. For example when Ram stated that ‘Water is acidic’, the teacher asked him to elaborate on how he came to this
understanding. Teacher never offered a “correct” response. What view of knowledge is this teacher best illustrating?
A:-Information processing
B:-Cognitive constructivism
C:-Radical constructivism
D:-Social constructivism
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question75:-The cognitive domain involves
A:-Focus on the aspect of doing and skills
C:-Feelings, value, appreciation, motivation
D:-Knowledge and development
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question76:-The findings from a study of young single mothers at a university can be generalised to the population of:
A:-All young single mothers in that society
B:-All single mothers in all universities
C:-All young single mothers at that university
D:-All young women in that university
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question77:-In an experimental design, the dependent variable is:
A:-The one that is not manipulated and in which any changes are observed
B:-The one that is manipulated in order to observe any effects on the other
C:-A measure of the extent to which personal values affect research
D:-An ambiguous concept whose meaning depends on how it is defined
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question78:-A research study undertaken by principal of a school ‘yo identify and eradicate the causes of various emotional problems of students’ come under which category of
A:-Action Research
C:-Historical Research
D:-Experimental Research
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question79:-A research hypothesis
A:-Is a tentative statement
B:-Must include at least three variables
C:-Is used only at the experimental level
D:-Cannot be directly tested
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question80:-Pick the option most appropriately explain ‘Research Ethics’?
A:-It gives the methodology of researching within social norms
B:-It states how to write a research report flawlessly
C:-It governs the prevention of plagiarism
D:-In provides a common set of do’s and don’ts of conducting ethical research
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-Which statement of the following is false regarding the schedules of Indian Constitution?
A:-9th Schedule was added by the 1st Constitutional Amendment Act of 1951
B:-10th Schedule was added by the 52nd Amendment Act of 1985
C:-11th Schedule was added by the 73rd Amendment Act of 1992
D:-12th Schedule was added by the 75th Amendment Act of 1993
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question82:-Choose the chronological order of Lok Sabha speakers of India from the options given below :
A:-G.V. Mavlankar, M.A. Ayyangar, Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, Sardar Hukam Singh
B:-G.V. Mavlankar, Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, M.A. Ayyangar, Sardar Hukam Singh
C:-G.V. Mavlankar, M.A. Ayyangar, Sardar Hukam Singh, Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
D:-G.V. Mavlankar, Sardar Hukam Singh, M.A. Ayyangar, Neelam Sajiva Reddy
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question83:-Which of the following features is/are correct about August Offer?
(i) Dominion status would be given to India
(ii) A Committee would be appointed to frame a constitution for India
(iii) Expansion of Governor General’s council with more representation for Indians
(iv) Formation of interim Government of India
A:-Only (i and iv) are correct
B:-Only (ii, iii and iv) are correct
C:-Only (i, ii and iii) are correct
D:-All the above (i, ii, iii and iv) are correct
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question84:-Match List I with List II and the correct answer using the options given below :
List I List II
(i) Hebeas Corpus (a) to forbid
(ii) Mandamus (b) by what authority
(iii) Quo-Warranto (c) to have the body
(iv) Prohibition (d) we command
A:-i-d, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b
B:-i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a
C:-i-a, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d
D:-i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question85:-Which statement of the following is correct about special power of Rajyasabha?
A:-A money bill can be introduced only in Rajya Sabha
B:-Rajya Sabha can authorise the Parliament to make law on a subject enumerated in the state list
C:-Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Rajya Sabha
D:-Rajya Sabha can pass a resolution to discontinue a National Emergency
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question86:-As per the notification of the ministry of Rural Development in March 2020, the MNREGA wage rates (Rupees/Day) in 4 States of India are given below. Which is/are
(i) Kerala-Rs. 191.00
(ii) Bihar – Rs. 194.00
(iii) Jharkhand – Rs. 194.00
(iv) Chattisgarh – Rs. 190.00
A:-Only (i and ii) are correct
B:-Only (i, ii and iii) are correct
C:-Only (ii, iii and iv) are correct
D:-All the above (i, ii, iii and iv) are correct
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question87:-What are the three components involved in JAM Trinity?
A:-Jan Dhan Account, Aadhaar Card, Mobile Phone Number
B:-Jan Dhan Account, Akshaya e centre, Mobile Phone Number
C:-Jan Dhan Account, Aadhaar Card, MNREGA Labour Card
D:-Jan Dhan Account, Akshaya e cetre, MNREGA Labour Card
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question88:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about ROSHNI: Skill Development Scheme for Tribals?
(i) aimed at providing employment to tribal youth in 24 Naxal effected districts
(ii) will follow the HIMAYAT project model, which was launched in Jammu and Kashmir
(iii) will implemented on a public private basis, with private agencies providing job training
(iv) identifying and providing job card to destitute women
A:-Only (i and iv) are correct
B:-Only (i, ii and iii) are correct
C:-Only (ii, iii and iv) are correct
D:-All the above (i, ii, iii and iv) are correct
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question89:-Which of the following is/are correct regarding the eligibility criteria of SNEHAPOORVAM Scheme launched by the Government of Kerala?
(i) Children who have lost either father or mother or both
(ii) Students from first standard to PG Classes
(iii) Children below 5 years
A:-Only (i and ii) are correct
B:-Only (ii and iii) are correct
C:-Only (i and iii) are correct
D:-All the above (i, ii and iii, iv) are correct
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question90:-Match the List I with List II and select the correct answer using the options given below :
List I List II
Scheme Name Beneficiary
(i) NIRAMAYA (a) Differently Abled Persons
(ii) MANDHAHASAM (b) Senior Citizens
(iii) SAMANWAYA (c) Transgenders
(iv) JEEVANAM (d) Dependents of crime victims
A:-i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
B:-i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
C:-i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
D:-i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question91:-Which of the following statement is/are correct?
(i) Hermen Gundert started the newspaper Paschimodayam in 1847
(ii) The First authentic book in Malayal grammar was prepared by Benjamin Bailey
(iii) Arnos Pathiri prepared the First lexicon and grammar work in Malayalam.
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (i and iii)
C:-Only (ii and iii)
D:-All the above (i, ii, iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question92:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about Chattambi Swamikal?
(i) Chattambi Swamikal was born at Kollur in Trivandrum
(ii) He wrote ‘Sarvamata Samarasyam’ and ‘Kristumata Nirupanam’
(iii) ‘Jatimimamsa’ and ‘AdiBasha’ are his famous works.
A:-Only (i and iii)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-Only (ii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question93:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about Vaghbhatanada?
(i) Vaghbhatananda started the journal Atmavidya Kahalam
(ii) The movement Samatva Samajam was started by Vaghbhatananda
(iii) He favoured the right of the lower castes to temple entry
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (ii)
C:-Only (ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question94:-Which of the following statement is/are incorrect about Library Movement in Kerala?
(i) The Trivandrum Public Library was started in 1829 by Co. Edward Cadogan
(ii) The All Kerala Trivandrum Grandhasala Sangham was formed in 1945
(iii) The Vayanadinam (June 19) is observed in Kerala since 2006
A:-Only (iii)
B:-Only (ii)
C:-Only (i and iii)
D:-Only (i and ii)
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question95:-Which of the following work is not associated with G. Sankara Kurup?
A:-Nakshatra Gitam
D:-Viswa Darsanam
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question96:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 :
(i) Benjamin List and David Mac Millan won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2021
(ii) The prize is for the development of asymmetric Organocatalysis
(iii) It was awarded by Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Dondra
A:-Only (i and iii)
B:-Only (ii)
C:-Only (ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and ii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question97:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about National Bio diversity authority in India?
(i) It was established by the Central Government in 2003
(ii) The headquarters of the National Biodiversity Authority is located in Lucknow.
(iii) It is a Statutory Body
A:-Only (i)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-Only (i and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question98:-Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Subsidiary Alliance System introduced by Lord Wellesley?
(i) The State was to accept a British President at its headquarters
(ii) The East India Company always interfere in the internal affairs of the State
(iii) A smaller state was required to pay tribute in the form of cash to the Company
A:-Only (ii and iii)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-Only (i and iii)
D:-All the above (i, ii, iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question99:-Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
A:-Deepa Malik – Boxing
B:-Mahesh Mangaonkar – Squash
C:-Pankaj Advani – Billiards
D:-Pranati Nayak – Gymnastics
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question100:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about Gabriel Garcia Marquez?
(i) The Nobel Prize in Literature 1980 was awarded to him.
(ii) He was born in the small town of Aracataca.
(iii) He wrote ‘Big Mama’s Funeral’.
A:-Only (ii)
B:-Only (i)
C:-Only (i and ii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D

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